Nursing degree


The degree in Nursing is designed to train professionals prepared to improve the quality of life and participation of people and contribute to the optimization of social and health resources.

Commitment and respect for human, social and cultural values places nursing at the centre of attention to people from a holistic and transformative paradigm.

Current situation and challenge

Nursing is the profession that has historically been on the side of people to support the satisfaction of basic needs, both in health and disease. Contemporary nursing is responsible for the direction, organization, planning and execution of nursing cures aimed at individuals as well as families and communities. The goal of nurses*, within their professional autonomy, is to detect needs and meet human responses, thus leading the science of care. They also collaborate with other health professionals in research, disease control and surveillance, treatment implementation, etc.

*According to the COIB and the UAB guide for gender equality, which recommends the use of women in historically female-dominated professions

Added Value

Accompaniment by teachers according to the needs of each student. The human treatment and accompaniment guarantee an adequate learning to the occupational and professional requirements, according to the evolution of the technological and scientific context, and the needs of society and the company.

Do you dare? Download the catalogue!

*The information that currently appears in the catalogue is that of the course 2022/23 with the new curriculum of the Degree in Nursing. If you want to check the old plan, you will find it here.


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