Degree in Occupational Therapy

Teaching Tutorial Action Plan

Within the framework of the EUIT Internal Quality Assurance System, student guidance is framed in the TUTORIAL ACTION PLAN (TAP) as an institutional strategy to inform, to advise, accompany and supervise students with the aim of completing studies successfully and orient themselves professionally.

The TAP is organized at different times and by different themes:

  • During the promotion of studies.

(before the application for the EUIT position and in the pre-registration process).

  • In the orientation to the enrolment of the different courses.
  • In the Action Plan Tutorial teaching throughout the studies.
  • In the introduction to first-year studies.
  • To share knowledge among all EUIT students.
  • For national and international exchanges.
  • In the attention of the Student Service (SAE).
  • In career guidance.

The Teaching Tutorial Action Plan is the set of actions aimed at guiding and guiding students in their academic journey. In this sense, the planning of the tutorial action includes all actions from teacher participation in the promotion of studies to professional guidance.

Manual of Academic Orientation of the Student Body

Summary of Action Plan Occupational Therapy TutorialResumen Plan de Acción Tutorial de Terapia Ocupacional