Occupation Therapy degree


When students finish their Nursing studies at EUIT we want them to:

  • Be able to take part in the sanitary and social healthcare system. To share planning, organisation, implementation and evaluation skills with other professionals in the field, in order to guarantee appropriate intervention in their patient’s ability to take part in their daily work activities.
  • Understand how work is a multidimensional concept and how it is key to personal and social development.
  • Have the necessary skills to recognise when work is interrupting all areas of life of an individual or community are intervene using beneficial methods.
  • Understand functional diversity as a social and human phenomenon and from that promote and/or develop prevention methods and reduce the impact this has on work-related roles and group dynamics.
  • Recognise and improve upon a patient’s occupational skills so that they can feel meaning, accomplishment, satisfaction, growth and the potential to socially participate in competitive environments.
  • Leave with basic knowledge allowing students to complete further studies to develop professionally and top-up professional training with other university studies such as postgraduate and doctorate degrees.