Study at EUIT


If you want personalized attention on new access, fill in this Form 

Schedule and Capacity

For the Nursing Degree we offer a capacity of 165 places divided into morning and afternoon shift. Students of the morning shift have class from 8 to 14:30h while the afternoon shift goes from 15 to 21h

For the Occupational Therapy degree we offer a morning shift with a capacity of 80 places. The schedule is from 8 to 14:30h.

Prices, bonuses and payment methods

Check here all the information related with the prices and payment methods from the 2024-25 course.

Acces routes

 Vías de acceso Documentación acreditativa
PAU y asimilados Fotocopia del documento de las PAAU con la nota de acceso
Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior Fotocopia del certificado con la nota de acceso
Prueba de mayores de 25 años Fotocopia documento acreditativo
Resolución positiva del rectorado de la UAB de cambio o convalidación de estudios Certificado de la universidad de origen en el cual conste la vía de acceso a la universidad y la calificación correspondiente. Traslado de expediente académico
Titulados universitarios y asimilados Certificado académico personal y copia compulsada de título
Titulaciones de países de la UE u otros Estados que hayan suscrito acuerdos internacionales en regímenes de reciprocidad Credencial UNED. 
Estudiantes no comunitarios y no residentes No es necesario presentar documentación

Cutt-off mark

The cut-off note resulting from each allocation, for each study centre and degree, is determined on the basis of the overall supply and demand for places. There is no possibility to anticipate knowing the note resulting from the pre-registration process for the next course, but you can consult the cut notes of previous courses in this link .


Both the Generelitat de Catalunya and the Ministerio can subsidize the payment of official registration. In the following link you will find all the information.

In addition, EUIT offers an internal scholarship program that you can request at the time you formalize the registration. They may subsidize 50%, 70% or 100% of the private fee.

IMPORTANT INFO:The last day to submit internal scholarship documentation for newly admitted students is July 25, 2024.

For more information on the internal scholarship program, please contact Pilar Arrufat:    

You can consult all the information and the operation of the call at this link: Call for internal grants 2024-2025 

If you want to apply for one of the internal scholarships, download the document and apply.
Document for the application


You can consult the official calendar published on the page of the Department of Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya in this link.

*EUIT only participates in the June and September calls.

University pre-registration is done, as for any public university degree, through the internet and by registration in the following link.


Registration for new students will be done in person and assisted on scheduled appointment, or remotely.
Check here all the information you need to know to make the self-enrolment:
Instructions for enrolling new students

If you have questions or want to know what documentation you will need, check our FAQ’s about enrolment. In case of having any doubt or computer incident, access the manual of Information Systems.