Occupational Therapy degree

Undergraduate dissertation

The Undergraduate Dissertation (TFG) that students complete in fourth year is another milestone in the learning process. Its aim is to integrate and evaluate the skills learnt throughout the degree.

As part of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework the TFG  must be a project that aims to develop a proposal for professional guidance. It can be theory or research-based and must be based on the discipline studied, using scientific methodology in a systematic way.  The TFG is a carefully elaborated piece of student work in which independent work is especially important.

Using professional, creative and innovative criteria the TFG should reflect all of the skills acquired by the student throughout his or her undergraduate degree, as well as any new skills that are specifically related to the TFG.

The TFG provides an opportunity to develop both personally and academically, as well as guide the student on his or her future professional path.