Nursing degree

Academic Curriculum Structure


Undergraduate Degrees are made up of 240 ECTS Credits. These Credits are taken over a period of four years and are divided into 60 ECTS per academic year.

Degree Structure

60 ECTS of Basic Training. 60 ECTS of Nursing Sciences. 90 ECTS of Internship and Final Dissertation. 30 ECTS of optional subjects.

The 30 ECTS credits for optional subjects take place during the fourth year of studies and the student may choose from a specific group of subjects.

These groups are:

  • Community Healthcare Action (Acció Comunitària en Salut).
  • Nursing in Specific Fields. (Infermeria en Àmbits Específics).

These groups are divided up into different subjects which in turn make up the whole study plan.


In order to achieve the all of the different degree skills required, various teaching and learning methods are used, such as: Lectures, seminars, roleplays both in and outside the classroom, theoretical and practical workshops or guided visits.  Teaching takes place in either large or smaller groups to make usage of these methods.